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Password policy for myBarco accounts

Barco enforces password requirements to reduce the risk of a breach of your myBarco account. Additionally enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) in your account settings is highly recommended to further strenghten the security of your account.

What are the requirements in this policy?

Barco puts forward the following policy for your password:

  • Password must have at least 12 characters
  • Password may not have appeared in former breaches
This policy is based on latest recommendations given in NIST Special Publication 800-63B to improve the authentication process and reduce the risk of a security breach.

How to set a strong password?

Tips for setting a strong password:

  • Use a passphrase as password or password manager to generate your password.
  • Avoid using a commonly used password
  • Minimum 12 characters
  • Do not use sequence of repeating characters (ex- 'aaaa', 'abab')
  • Do not reuse old passwords